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Branding For Small Business

Written by: Robert Lalonde

Published: October 23, 2016

Branding for small business is important - it tells people what they can expect from you and it differentiates you from your competitors. Your brand is what people think of when they hear your brand name. Are you just starting out or are you experienced and reliable? Do you provide exotic, high-cost products or do you deliver top quality at a reasonable price? You can't market yourself as both and it’s important that people know what they can expect from you.

Branding For Small Business

Here are a few questions to help you define your brand:
  • Who are you and what do you do?
  • What problem are you solving and how are you different from the competition?
  • What’s in it for the client and why should they want to deal with you?

Positioning Your Brand

Unless you have a unique product that no one else has, you need to think about positioning. It is the place you want to own in your prospect’s minds – what you want them to think of when they think of your brand. Here are a few examples of positioning:
  • Position based on benefit - Volvo: Safety
  • Position based on the consumer -Pepsi: Pepsi Generation
  • Position based on proposition -Burger King: Have it your way
  • Position based on the competition -Seven-Up: The Un-cola

Getting The Word Out

Once you've defined your brand, you need to get the word out? Here are a few time-tested tips:
  • Get a great logo and display it everywhere.
  • Develop a good tagline. Write a short and meaningful statement that captures the essence of your brand. Choose something catchy so it’s easy to remember.
  • Integrate your message. Be consistent in every aspect of your business. Your brand needs to carry through in everything you do.
  • Advertise. They won’t come if they don’t know you exist.

How Custom Stickers Help Build Your Brand

Stickers deliver a high-impact and memorable message in a short period of time. That’s effective marketing and it delivers a big bang for the buck. Here are a few things to keep in mind when designing your stickers:
  • Use templates for your marketing materials. Templates guarantee a consistent look and feel and they speed up the work process. You want to have a consistent look and feel to your business cards, your website and your social media pages. This is how you broadcast and repeat your message.
  • Be genuine. You won’t get repeat business or customer referrals if you don't deliver on your brand promise.
  • Be consistent. This is one of the most important things you can do. Your customers need to know what to expect or your attempts at establishing a brand will fail.

Build Your Brand With Stickers That Rock!

Why use stickers? Branding for small business is meant to increase the effectiveness of advertising and boost profits. Stickers are a brand marketer’s best friend. Stickerbeat stickers last for three to five years in outdoor use; they deliver a high-impact and memorable message in a short period of time. And, they’re cheap to make and fun to hand out. That’s effective marketing which means you’re getting a big bang for your advertising dollars.
Stickers Are a Brand Marketer’s Best Friend
Avoid Sticker Shock Use our templates to create your stickers and reduce the cost of creating your promotional materials. It’s quick and it’s easy. Build a buzz for your brand - order stickers that rock now!